The Three Fires

Delusion or Confusion Greed or Sensual Attachment Aversion or Ill Will Return to the Buddhist Lists.

The Chain of Causation

Ignorance Constructing activities Rebirth Conscience Sixfold Sense Bases Eye Nose Ear Tongue Body Mind Contact Sensation Craving Clinging Attachment Becoming Birth All the Sufferings Return to the Buddhist Lists.

The Noble Eightfold Path

Right View. Right Resolve. Right Speech. Right Conduct. Right Livelihood. Right Effort. Right Mindfulness. Right Concentration. Return to the Buddhist Lists.

Fifteen Buddhist Lists

Note: I am not a Buddhist; nor am I a scholar of Buddhism. I compiled these lists for my own edification, and I am sharing this to anyone who may get value from it. My primary source was Buddhism: Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Buddhism to Become Stress & Anxiety Free, 4th Edition, by Michael Williams,… Continue reading Fifteen Buddhist Lists

Summery for September 2021.

Cases for Santa Clara County declined throughout September. Deaths in Santa Clara County increased during the same period. The number of hospitalizations declined in September. The number of new cases, per day declined in California over the month of September. The number of deaths per day for California increased in September. The number of new… Continue reading Summery for September 2021.

Categorized as Covid-19

Summary for August 2021

Both new cases and hospitalizations rose substantially during August for Santa Clara County while deaths remained in the single digits. Cases also rose steadily for California. Deaths were flat for most of the month and rose slightly over the last few days. Similarly, cases rose steadily throughout the U.S. Deaths also rose steadily throughout August.

Categorized as Covid-19

Summary for July, 2021

New Covid cases per day as well as hospitalizations rose steadily during July for Santa Clara County. New cases in California also rose steadily during July. The number of deaths was flat in July. New cases for the U.S. also rose substantially in July. U.S. deaths rose slighly.

Categorized as Covid-19