Summary for October, 2022

In Santa Clara County all tracked numbers were essentially flat during October. For California, both cases and deaths were essentially flat. For the U.S. cases were essentially flat. There was one outlyer day for deaths which drove the overall average somewhat up for the month.

Categorized as Covid-19

Summary for September, 2022

In Santa Clara County the number of cases fell slightly during September. Deaths per day hovered between one and zero. The number of people hospitalized fell throughout the month. For California, the number of new cases per day fell slightly throughout the month. New deaths were essentially flat. For the U.S. the number of cases… Continue reading Summary for September, 2022

Categorized as Covid-19

Stats from my YouTube Channel

I have discovered a Google website, that lets you download any or all of your google data, including, among other things, YouTube videos.  So I exported it all.  One of the things I found was a CSV file that summarized all those YouTube videos.  I uploaded that file here: and then edited out the boring… Continue reading Stats from my YouTube Channel

Categorized as Writing

Summary for August, 2022

In Santa Clara County, the number of new cases went down throughout the month. The number of deaths per day rose very slightly. The number of people hospitalized generally fell slightly. The number of people visiting hospital emergency departments for Covid sent up and down somewhat, but ended the month lower than at the start.… Continue reading Summary for August, 2022

Categorized as Covid-19

Notes on Some Similarities and Differences between Unix and Multics

Background It is fairly well known that most modern operating systems are more-or-less derived from Unix. What is not so well known is that many concepts in Unix, in turn, are derived from an earlier operating system known as Multics. Multics was started as a joint research project by General Electric Company (which was in… Continue reading Notes on Some Similarities and Differences between Unix and Multics

Summary for July, 2022

Santa Clara County: New cases per day fell during July. Deaths per day were low and essentially flat. The number of people hospitalized rose slightly during July. The number of visits to the Emergency Departments were essentially flat in July. California The new cases per day were essentially flat in July. The number of deaths… Continue reading Summary for July, 2022

Categorized as Covid-19

My Ancestors’ Memoirs

In March of 1947 my maternal grandfather set out to write a 17-page memoir, “A Brief Family History; Personal Reminiscences.” That typewritten document, in turn, contained a shorter, similar memoir written in longhand by his father in 1922. My grandfather copied that latter document into his own memoir verbatim. The 1922 document, in turn, contains… Continue reading My Ancestors’ Memoirs

Categorized as Writing

Summary for May, 2022

In all three areas represented here, Santa Clara County, the State of California, and the U.S. new cases trended upward while deaths trended downward. In Santa Clara County hospitalizations trended upward, as did emergency-department visits.

Categorized as Covid-19

Summary for April 2022

Number of new cases for Santa Clara County rose slightly during April. Number of new deaths for Santa Clara County dropped during April. Number of people hospitalized in Santa Clara County fell slightly during April. The number of people visiting the emergency room for Covid symptoms rose slightly during April. Number of new cases in… Continue reading Summary for April 2022

Categorized as Covid-19