This file contains the description of the initrd for Fedora 17. A. HOW I GOT IT The initrd file is a gzip-compressed cpio archive. Its contents were extracted in an identical fashion as what was done for Ubuntu. B. CONTENTS The initrd file contains the following directories: bin etc lib root sbin sys tmp var dev proc run shutdown sysroot usr In addition to the above directories, the initrd file contains a script in the root directory called init. That script begins with the line: #!/bin/sh which tells the kernel that it is to be run with the system shell. /bin/sh is a symbolic link to /bin/bash, the "Bourne-again shell" that is the standard linux shell. (This is in contrast to Ubuntu which uses the busybox shell in initrd.) C. PROCESSING When /init is run it carries out the following steps: 1. It mounts the /proc and /sys file systems. These are "pseudo" file systems that provide an interface into the kernel. 2. It mounts the /dev file system which will contain device files. 3. It creates a number of devices in the /dev file system. 4. Parses the kernel command line into environment variables. 5. Starts the udev daemon. 6. Mounts the "real" root file system onto /sysroot. 7. The udev daemon is stopped. 8. Runs the program switch_root which "pivots" the "real" root file system into its normal mount point of / and then executes /sbin/init.